Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import calendar
import datetime
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from deprecated.sphinx import versionadded

from limits.typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

from ..util import get_dependency
from .base import MovingWindowSupport, Storage

    import pymongo

[docs] @versionadded(version="2.1") class MongoDBStorage(Storage, MovingWindowSupport): """ Rate limit storage with MongoDB as backend. Depends on :pypi:`pymongo`. """ STORAGE_SCHEME = ["mongodb", "mongodb+srv"] DEPENDENCIES = ["pymongo"] def __init__( self, uri: str, database_name: str = "limits", wrap_exceptions: bool = False, **options: Union[int, str, bool], ) -> None: """ :param uri: uri of the form ``mongodb://[user:password]@host:port?...``, This uri is passed directly to :class:`~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient` :param database_name: The database to use for storing the rate limit collections. :param wrap_exceptions: Whether to wrap storage exceptions in :exc:`limits.errors.StorageError` before raising it. :param options: all remaining keyword arguments are passed to the constructor of :class:`~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient` :raise ConfigurationError: when the :pypi:`pymongo` library is not available """ super().__init__(uri, wrap_exceptions=wrap_exceptions, **options) self.lib = self.dependencies["pymongo"].module self.lib_errors, _ = get_dependency("pymongo.errors") "pymongo.MongoClient" = self.lib.MongoClient( # type: ignore[type-arg] uri, **options ) self.counters = = self.__initialize_database() @property def base_exceptions( self, ) -> Union[Type[Exception], Tuple[Type[Exception], ...]]: # pragma: no cover return self.lib_errors.PyMongoError # type: ignore def __initialize_database(self) -> None: self.counters.create_index("expireAt", expireAfterSeconds=0)"expireAt", expireAfterSeconds=0)
[docs] def reset(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Delete all rate limit keys in the rate limit collections (counters, windows) """ num_keys = self.counters.count_documents({}) +{}) self.counters.drop() return int(num_keys)
[docs] def clear(self, key: str) -> None: """ :param key: the key to clear rate limits for """ self.counters.find_one_and_delete({"_id": key}){"_id": key})
[docs] def get_expiry(self, key: str) -> int: """ :param key: the key to get the expiry for """ counter = self.counters.find_one({"_id": key}) expiry = ( counter["expireAt"] if counter else ) return calendar.timegm(expiry.timetuple())
[docs] def get(self, key: str) -> int: """ :param key: the key to get the counter value for """ counter = self.counters.find_one( { "_id": key, "expireAt": {"$gte":}, }, projection=["count"], ) return counter and counter["count"] or 0
[docs] def incr( self, key: str, expiry: int, elastic_expiry: bool = False, amount: int = 1 ) -> int: """ increments the counter for a given rate limit key :param key: the key to increment :param expiry: amount in seconds for the key to expire in :param amount: the number to increment by """ expiration = + datetime.timedelta( seconds=expiry ) return int( self.counters.find_one_and_update( {"_id": key}, [ { "$set": { "count": { "$cond": { "if": {"$lt": ["$expireAt", "$$NOW"]}, "then": amount, "else": {"$add": ["$count", amount]}, } }, "expireAt": { "$cond": { "if": {"$lt": ["$expireAt", "$$NOW"]}, "then": expiration, "else": ( expiration if elastic_expiry else "$expireAt" ), } }, } }, ], upsert=True, projection=["count"], return_document=self.lib.ReturnDocument.AFTER, )["count"] )
[docs] def check(self) -> bool: """ Check if storage is healthy by calling :meth:`pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.server_info` """ try: return True except: # noqa: E722 return False
[docs] def get_moving_window(self, key: str, limit: int, expiry: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ returns the starting point and the number of entries in the moving window :param key: rate limit key :param expiry: expiry of entry :return: (start of window, number of acquired entries) """ timestamp = time.time() result = list( [ {"$match": {"_id": key}}, { "$project": { "entries": { "$filter": { "input": "$entries", "as": "entry", "cond": {"$gte": ["$$entry", timestamp - expiry]}, } } } }, {"$unwind": "$entries"}, { "$group": { "_id": "$_id", "min": {"$min": "$entries"}, "count": {"$sum": 1}, } }, ] ) ) if result: return int(result[0]["min"]), result[0]["count"] return int(timestamp), 0
[docs] def acquire_entry(self, key: str, limit: int, expiry: int, amount: int = 1) -> bool: """ :param key: rate limit key to acquire an entry in :param limit: amount of entries allowed :param expiry: expiry of the entry :param amount: the number of entries to acquire """ if amount > limit: return False timestamp = time.time() try: updates: Dict[str, Any] = { # type: ignore "$push": {"entries": {"$each": [], "$position": 0, "$slice": limit}} } updates["$set"] = { "expireAt": ( + datetime.timedelta(seconds=expiry) ) } updates["$push"]["entries"]["$each"] = [timestamp] * amount { "_id": key, "entries.%d" % (limit - amount): { "$not": {"$gte": timestamp - expiry} }, }, updates, upsert=True, ) return True except self.lib.errors.DuplicateKeyError: return False