Source code for

from six.moves import urllib

from ..errors import ConfigurationError
from ..util import get_dependency
from .redis import RedisStorage

[docs]class RedisClusterStorage(RedisStorage): """ Rate limit storage with redis cluster as backend Depends on `redis-py-cluster` library """ STORAGE_SCHEME = ["redis+cluster"] def __init__(self, uri, **options): """ :param str uri: url of the form `redis+cluster://[:password]@host:port,host:port` :param options: all remaining keyword arguments are passed directly to the constructor of :class:`rediscluster.RedisCluster` :raise ConfigurationError: when the rediscluster library is not available or if the redis host cannot be pinged. """ if not get_dependency("rediscluster"): raise ConfigurationError( "redis-py-cluster prerequisite not available" ) # pragma: no cover parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri) cluster_hosts = [] for loc in parsed.netloc.split(","): host, port = loc.split(":") cluster_hosts.append({"host": host, "port": int(port)}) options.setdefault("max_connections", 1000) = get_dependency("rediscluster").RedisCluster( startup_nodes=cluster_hosts, **options ) self.initialize_storage(uri) super(RedisStorage, self).__init__()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Redis Clusters are sharded and deleting across shards can't be done atomically. Because of this, this reset loops over all keys that are prefixed with 'LIMITER' and calls delete on them, one at a time. .. warning:: This operation was not tested with extremely large data sets. On a large production based system, care should be taken with its usage as it could be slow on very large data sets""" keys ="LIMITER*") return sum(["utf-8")) for k in keys])